Goethe-Medaille awarded to Robert Wilson

This past week I received the Goethe-Medaille, an official decoration of the Federal Republic of Germany, honoring services for the German language and for international cultural relations. The two other esteemed awardees this year were the Polish theatre manager and festival director Krystyna Meissner and my close friend, the late Belgian opera director Gerard Mortier. Former awardees included Daniel Barenboim, Pierre Bourdieu, Agnés Heller, György Ligeti, Ariane Mnouchkine, Billy Wilder and Helen Wolff.

I was very touched by Thomas Oberender's laudatory speech, which can be found here (in German). Thank you to the Goethe-Institut for this exceptional honor.

Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/kultur/theaterk...

New Additions at The Watermill Center

Some exciting things have happened at The Watermill Center this year, namely the new entrance and the new location of the Clementine Hunter African House!  The Africa House was first built for the occasion of the 20th Annual Summer Benefit, which commemorated the work of painter Clementine Hunter.

My relationship to Clementine Hunter has grown and evolved through much of my life, culminating in my production of Zinnias: The Life of Clementine Hunter, which premiered at Montclair University, New Jersey in early 2013 and most recently in Lyon, France in June 2014.

Come see all the work that has been done at The Watermill Center!

RHINOCEROS by Eugene Ionesco

I am very proud of the work we did at the Teatrul Naţional Craiova (Romania), near the birthplace of Eugène Ionesco . The actors were truly amazing, among the best I have ever worked with in my life! 

It will play in repertory during the next year with plans for tours. Many of the young participants from The Watermill Center Summer Program 2013 were involved in this production. My assistant Julian Mommert together with Adi Bulboaca took these photos.

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